zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 關燈 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 叩首 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 交拜 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 掀蓋頭 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 拜堂 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 喝交杯酒 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 脫衣服 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 喝交杯 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game
zh 洞房
― HasFirstSubevent ⟶
Weight: 1.0
zh 吹蠟燭 Source: a player of the PTT Pet Game